75 Years of
When a student enters the campus of San Joaquin Memorial High School, something truly wonderful begins to happen. In mind, in body, and certainly in spirit, the Memorial experience begins to unfold.
Our $9 million Campaign for the Students of San Joaquin Memorial supports creating a campus-wide learning environment that unleashes the potential of every student every day, and where the campus—like
all Memorial programs—embodies our commitment to excellence. This campaign affirms the school’s mission to reflect the image of God and inspire the formation of our students, providing a rigorous, Catholic, college-preparatory environment, within and beyond the classroom, guiding a diverse student body to lead and serve the community in imitation of Jesus. Across the Central Valley for the past 75 years, you will find our graduates contributing at every level to the quality of life as business and community leaders.
Join us now in transforming the future through
empowering the students of San Joaquin
Memorial High School today.
“Every student, every day will be surrounded by Memorial’s commitment to excellence. We will be the school of choice for families throughout the Valley.”
– Michael C. Burke, President
How We Will Spend These Funds
Goal: $600,000
Campus Commons: Goal: $600,000
Mary Alice Diener Academic Center:
Goal: $500,000
Ryan Center:
Goal: $600,000
Replacing Stadium Field:
Goal: $1,600,000
Campus Updates and Holy Cross Chapel Remodel:
Goal: $1,400,000
New Visitor Entry and Quad:
Goal: $700,000
Scholarship Fund and Endowed Faculty Chairs:
Goal: $3,000,000
Click Play for An Interactive Tour of Our Planned Projects
Cash gifts can be made through credit/debit card transactions, or personal checks, cashier’s checks, or money orders made payable to San Joaquin Memorial High School/Campaign. To donate online, go to sjmhs.org/campaign.
You may want to make a pledge now and spread payments over time, preferably over three years but up to five years. As illustrated in the accompanying chart, by breaking down a multi-year commitment into different payment schedules, you might see how you can manage a personally significant gift to the campaign.
An alternative to cash is a gift of appreciated securities. Stocks, bonds, and mutual funds
owned for more than one year and that have increased in value are popular assets used for
charitable giving. In most cases, the full fair market value of gifts of appreciated assets is
deductible, providing immediate tax benefits to you. And don’t forget about your IRA. Please
consult your financial professional for advice on maximizing your campaign gift plans. A
brokerage account transfer form is available from the Advancement Office or online at sjmhs.org/giving
Many corporations and foundations offer matching gift programs. Such programs may
allow donors to double or even triple the amount of their contribution. Matching gift forms are
available from company personnel or human resource offices.
Ways to Give